The Crackin' Backs Podcast

Life and Business tips from the MASTER. Guest- Dr. John Demartini- Human Behaviorist

Dr. Terry Weyman and Dr. Spencer Baron

Today we talk with world renowned Dr. John Demartini, as he shares stories from his own past and how he used the hardships of his life to elevate his own destiny and how we can use the same teachings to elevate ours.

If you were inspired as much as we were, go to his website to find all the tools he spoke about during this episode

We are two sports chiropractors, seeking knowledge from some of the best resources in the world of health. From our perspective, health is more than just “Crackin Backs” but a deep dive into physical, mental, and nutritional well-being philosophies.

Join us as we talk to some of the greatest minds and discover some of the most incredible gems you can use to maintain a higher level of health. Crackin Backs Podcast

Speaker 1:

Whoa. Hello, this is the front desk.

Speaker 2:

Hello, and welcome to episode 41 of the crack and backs podcast with your host, Dr. Terry WMAN and Dr. Spencer Barron, how are you guys doing today? Doing Lance? That's great to hear. So joining us today is Dr. John de martini. Dr. De martini is a world renowned human behavior expert four decades of research across multiple disciplines. As mission is to, you know, share knowledge and wisdom with the worlds that we all have the power to make our own lives better. How are you doing this fine morning, Dr. John. I'm doing great.

Speaker 3:

I, I, I delayed you guys a bit, bit behind schedule here, but I'm, I'm I'm here, so I'm doing great.

Speaker 4:

It's all good. It's all good. It always happens. There's always something, but I'll tell you, John, I've actually quite excited, you know, uh, Dr. Terry does. He knows maybe the professional side. I happen to remember you from Texas chiropractic college. And when I proposed that we should have John as a guest, you know, it fits perfect because it's, there's a lot of really cool stuff over a span of what, 40 years since chiropractic college. I mean, I graduated in 85, I think you were 83. Uh,

Speaker 3:

Yeah, 82, 19 82 82.

Speaker 4:

Yep. 82. And I will tell you the impression you made, has it been everlasting? And, uh, I, you know, I want to get into a couple things and Dr. Terry has some really great questions, uh, that we were bantering back and forth about. Uh, but I would really love for you to share how you got started as you, you know, the evolution from that story of childhood teenage and all

Speaker 3:

That. Yeah. So start from the beginning, uh, start with the IGO. Yeah. If you don't mind start with the IGO,

Speaker 4:

Maybe not from when you were born. Uh,

Speaker 3:

Well, I, uh, I definitely had a bit of a challenge when I started, I had a, was born with my arm and leg turned in, had a deformed arm and leg and, uh, H one and a half, I started wearing braces on arm and leg found out also I had a speech impediment, so I had to go to speech pathologists also at one and a half. And then I, um, as I was straightening arm and leg with braces and doing all these exercises for my mouth, by the time I got to five and six, um, I found out I had dyslexia and learning problems. In first grade. My teacher told me that I would and told my parents that I would never be able to read, never be able to write effectively with the way my hand was and not communicate very effectively. Probably won't go very far and do much in life. But when I got out of the braces, all I wanted to do is run. I guess I've been on the run ever since. And yeah, I made it through elementary school by asking the smartest kids questions and whatever they would say. If, if somebody told me something, I could kind of retain it, but not reading it, not saying it very well. So I made it through until I was, was 12, just barely making it through school that way. And then my parents moved from Houston, Texas to Richmond, Texas. At that point, we went to a low socioeconomic area. I didn't have any smart kids, so I end up dropping outta school. So at 13 I left home Hmm. And became a street kid. Uh, I, because I was decent in sports and I picked up surfing when I was nine, uh, Texas, wasn't the surf capital. So I said, I need to go. I need to go to California and Hawaii to go surfing. So, so 14, I hitchhiked from Houston, Texas out to LA and went to Huntington beach. And then also down into Mexico when I was 14, I snuck into that country. And at 15, I made it over to Hawaii and I, I was social climbing. I started out at a, on the command may highway at sunset beach, under the bridge there. I slept there. And then I slipped in a park bench. Then I S slipped in a bathroom, then a, an abandoned car and finally a, a tent. And I was riding bigger and bigger, bigger waves and being pretty good in surf. I got into some surf magazine, surf books, surf, mag, you know, even three movies. And then I ended up nearly dying at 1718. And in the recovery of that, I was led to a sunset recreation hall where a guest speaker was speaking yoga class. And I met Paul Bragg and one night and one hour of this one, man inspired me to do what I'm doing today. That night. I decided that I wanted to see if I could overcome my learning problems and someday be intelligent. And I wanted to be a teacher, uh, and study universal laws and also be a healer cuz I had a health problem at the time, almost died from strict nine poisoning. And that's what led me into chiropractic. That's led me into natural health. That's what led me into being I one to be a teacher. And I knew at 17 that I wanted to travel the world into be teacher and healer. So that was the big beginning of it. And then I just never stopped. I eventually tried to go back to school, took a G E D, tried to learn how to read with the help of my mom. I started memorizing words in a dictionary enough to grow my vocabulary, to pass school. And once I learned how to read and I could get my vocabulary growing, I started to Excel and then I ended up learning as everything I could reading every hour of the day I could and uh, started teaching. And I was teaching even when I went to chiropractic college, I was teaching pretty well every single day. And uh, I taught my way there. And I knew when I got into practice that I was gonna teach around the world and practice short term. So that was a, that was the game plan, which we pretty well followed. And today I'm blessed to be able to travel the world full-time and do what I love doing, which is research right and teach.

Speaker 5:

Hey John, it's, it's interesting. When I hear it, listen to you. I was, when I was born, I had to wear corrective shoes cuz my feet were turned in and that was how you handle it way back when, um, I had speech impediment, I had to go through speech therapy all the way up into till oh, IHOP to say second, third, fourth grade. Um, you never told me that we never asked. Um, uh, and then we just had Aaron Brockovich on our podcast who is dyslexic, uh, and had to grow up memorizing stuff. I have, I had the, I'm a, a touching guy. I can't really read stuff. I have to touch it in order to remember it. Do you find in some of your, your teachings in my God, I read through some of your stuff, uh, 260 disciplines of every type of thought process out there. I mean, you just became a creator of, of knowledge. Do you find that people that have a, the struggle when they're really young end up doing better later on if they had the fortitude to push through it?

Speaker 3:

Well, I think people could be victims of their history or, or masters of their destiny. It determine it determines what determines that is the attitude you take. I was probably not gonna be an academic by any means if it wasn't for meeting that man that night I had been working with, um, a gentleman on the north shore learning how to make surfboards Dick brewer. And so I was probably gonna make surfboards and be a surfer professional surfer and surfboard maker. Um, if I hadn't met Paul Bragg that night. And so, um, if, if that, cause I, I, you know, I just kinda living month to month prior to that. And um, so it's very possible that if I hadn't have met him, I never, would've probably believed I could overcome my learning problems. It was a slow start cuz I, I started to try to go back to school and I failed at first and then I made a determination, uh, something my mother said that just gave me determination that I was gonna start memorizing 30 words a day. My mom used to test me on 30 words a day until my vocabulary was strong enough to, to pass school. And then once I did, I had a little, oh wow. I had a formula that I could follow. So I accumulated about 20,000 words in my vocabulary over the next couple years. Cause I was doing 30 words a day and that really started to accelerate my learning process.

Speaker 4:

John, do you remember in Texas chiropractic college, a uh, teacher, professor named Dr. PRUs. Yeah. If you don't remember, he was a tall stately man, beard yellowed from smoking.

Speaker 3:

I, I, I dated his, I dated his daughter, so I definitely know him.

Speaker 4:

I just got goose outta so bad

Speaker 3:

And, and, and he, he didn't even reject. He didn't even reject it.

Speaker 4:

Oh my God. Most, most

Speaker 3:

Men, most fathers, would've been a little bit hesitant about that, you know,

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

If you didn't, so that's his daughter and I went, went to the beach, we went, we went just a couple times, but, but it was quite funny. So I definitely know.

Speaker 4:

I think he remembers who he is. John that's you it's so Dr. Prouse is the he not, not so much as a teacher or professor or mentor or anything like that? One more, one afternoon. He turns to me in the hallway, he stops me. He goes, Barron. I go, yes, Dr. Prouse and he goes, it's a good thing. You're a photographer. And I go, why? And he goes not gonna amount to anything else. You failed my EKG class. And I went, I went, oh, that was empowering. And I thought at that point, so you, I am so glad, I don't know what you did to his daughter, but I'm glad whatever happened happened.

Speaker 3:

Uh, I had a bit of a crush on this daughter, a bit of a crush on his daughter, but um, oh my God. Cause she would work in the clinic.

Speaker 4:

You didn't marry her. Thank you. No I didn't.

Speaker 3:

But, but he and I were on good terms. He was a, he, he let me get away with almost everything in the clinic. Cuz I was busy with clinic.

Speaker 4:

See Spencer, you should just date his daughter that he probably would've failed class. I should have just added John. Can you help me out

Speaker 3:

Here? I think they call that corruption today. I don't know. That's it's corruption process

Speaker 4:

Back then. It would've passed. Right? It would've been fine back then. So, so John, is that what you first got your, your idea of empowering people?

Speaker 3:

Uh, that, that probably had a little bit of a factor in it, but, but pro Dr. Prouse was a, you know, he was a tough guy in school, but get him on the side. He was a really lovely guy. Yeah. I, I enjoyed chatting with him. Yeah, no

Speaker 4:

It's great. But I will say he inspired me negatively, but he inspired me. So I am actually grateful to him because I could have a, you know, great story. Uh, but with that said, John, I gotta tell you, you know, when I got out of Texas chiropractic college into, uh, private practice my first couple years, weren't so great. When I finally got into my own practice, I have to be extremely grateful to you and I am so happy to ha be able to look at you on, on, on the screen and tell you that I got a series of you or eight or 12 CD CA you know, uh, not, not CDs. I'm sorry. Uh, cassette

Speaker 3:

The audio

Speaker 4:

Cassettes. Yes. Cassette tapes back then and oh, I'm talking, sorry. I'm talking about a series and sir came on. Um, so you, there were several things that I took away from that, that series, that cassette series that I listen to over and over and over again. So we're talking back in like 19 87, 88, and you have made an impression on me since then. Momentum builds, intensity brevity is brilliance. What you fear comes near centrifugal at versus cental marketing. I mean, and I, I, I mean, I could go on and on, but thank you for that. Are there, are there quotes that, that you currently use today, oftentimes, especially in this, you know, period of mental health deficit?

Speaker 3:

I, I keep trying to pick up a few things every day. You know, we keep, keep doing it. Hopefully I've got more than what I had in the eighties, but I got, I,

Speaker 5:

Uh, Spencer listens the cassette tapes. Yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Um, yeah. Yeah, those were, I remember those that was probably the, uh, top performing ideas for the bottom line practice or one of those as programs that I did. And, um, yeah, because I observed, I was very blessed to, um, do an exercise that really helped me more efficiently grow my practice. And a lot of doctors, uh, wanted me to share some of those things and I loved doing it. I loved sharing ideas that inspire people and help people do what they love to do in life. So I, I I'm gathering those every day of my life.

Speaker 5:

Hey, John, what, what transformed from chiropractic school being a chiropractor, adjusting people to where you are today? As far as an educator, uh, um, uh, uh, uh, entrepreneur, a, a motivational man, a ed EEO in, into the conglomerate enterprise you have today, what, what made you switch and go beyond the most people, just graduate school. They do their practice for 30 years, four years, they retire and they do this. What made you transform? Is it, is it your, what your desire to teach or your di

Speaker 3:

Where that go? Um, I knew I, I told my very first assistant that I ever hired back in 1982 and in July, in fact, before I even got my license, cuz I was practicing before I got my license in my apartment and uh,

Speaker 5:

We could do that back then.

Speaker 3:

I was at the girls at the apartment complex. I, I figured there would be a good starting point, but uh,

Speaker 5:

I'm saying that you John, I can't like it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well I was trying to practice my marketing technologies, but anyway, um, I, I, I had to hire an assistant, uh, in July. I didn't get my license till October, but I never failed a test, you know, after, by that time. So I knew I was gonna pass it. And so I was go ahead preparing and getting things ready. So when I actually opened up the practice, cuz it was being built out and constructed from July to OCT October. So I, um, told the lady that I hired. I said, I'm gonna build a practice. And in five years I'm gonna be traveling the world teaching. So here's what we're, here's our game plan. So I knew that in the beginning, cuz I knew I wanted to be a teacher and travel the world. I knew I wasn't likely to sit in one place. I knew I wanted to go around the world. I've I've said since I was 18, that the universe is my playground. The world is my home. Every country's a room in the house and every city's a platform to share my heart and soul to, you know, healing to people and awareness. So that was a plan when I got into practice, uh, right in October of October 2nd, 1982, I got a book by Alec McKinsey called the time trap. And I read that and summarized that like I did and I wrote down every single thing that I did in a day. And then I put next to it in a column next to it. Uh, what is it produced per hour? And then a column next to it? How much meaning does it have on a one to 10 scale? And I prioritize how much it produced per hour and I prioritize how much meaning it had. Then I wrote next to that. How much would it cost to delegate that to if I had so may do that, uh, proficiently to the same standard as I would do it. And then I would prioritize the spreads between what it produced versus what it would cost. And then I wrote down how much time did I actually use spend on it? And then the final column was the final prioritization. And that way I was majoring in majors, not majoring in minors. And I was making sure that I was doing something meaningful and I had a 970 square foot, little office with one assistant at the time. And once I did this exercise, 18 months later, I was in a 5,000 square foot office with five doctors and 12 staff. And in my income, my income net was tenfold and I was, uh, you know, more efficient. And then I realized that if I delegate anything other than what I'm absolutely most inspired to do at the time, the only two things I was left doing was educating people on television. Cuz I had a, a TV show in channel 20, Dr. D Martinez health, hence and I was doing live in my office and doing television to, to draw patients. And I was doing evening talks to engage people and doing it. And so I could generate a hundred new patients a month that way. And then I was, uh, delegating the, to the doctors and train the doctors. So my main focus was teaching it, reaching people, those with a mission, have a message and then teaching the doctors how to do all the things and keeping an eye on them. And that was more efficient than me sitting there in cubicle, cuz my cubicle, I can make maybe 1500 an hour where this way I can make 15,000 an hour. And then I realized that there's a lot of doctors out there that would like to know how to do that. And that's when Parker asked me to come and speak at the Parker seminars and then I was realizing, now I'm reaching thousands of people showing them how to do that. And then I was calculating how many patients, I was able to reach through leverage through helping other doctors. And at one point we reached around 3 million people of patients, uh, a year that way, which is more than I could do in my practice with all the doctors I was helping. And I just realized that that's just more efficient than me being in my kid Cub. And that was a big an adjustment to me psychologically, cuz I had been trained to, to, to do clinical work, but I realized that I was gonna be more value to the profession and also myself and to the people and everybody to get out and do it. Then that opened up the doorway for other health professionals that opened up the doorway for other businesses. I just kept expanding and I, I wanted a reach at the time, a billion people on the planet was some sort of service. And now we've exceeded that we're at six now. So we've, we've reached people with radio, television, newspapers, magazines, you know, every possible vehicle we can use use to reach people and try to bring service to people. So that was just a vision and a dream that I had since I was I at Paul Braner. I, I knew that I wanted to be a heater, but I knew I wanted to travel the world and teach and that, and some of the profession said, you know, why aren't you practicing me? And I said, well I am, but I'm using other, you are, I'm using other people to grow their practices because of my skills have been able to communicate and still to this day, I'm I, I get to speak to chiropractors. Fabini uh, Mancini just asked me to do a program today, um, at 10. So when I get through with this, I have another one at 10. Then I start another program at 11. So that's, that's uh, I reached, you know, DCS and health professionals and all kind of organizations today. Been blessed.

Speaker 4:

Tell, wow, tell FAAB. I said hi, cuz I'm helping his son who lives here now to try to get, uh, a out here in south Florida. But um, John, I, I, it is fantastic. And I would love for you to share with our listening audience, the, the building that you ended up practicing in that you, uh, you ended up selling to Dr. Michael Rorick. Yes, yes. Uh, in downtown Houston.

Speaker 3:

Well, that was in, uh,

Speaker 4:

Describe that experience. They

Speaker 3:

Were building a very tall, beautiful building, um, in uptown Houston. And I, I loved looking at it, watching and build this giant, you know, it was 64 stories at the time. It was a big building there. And uh, one, I was meditating at lunchtime and uh, and I saw a vision of me standing in that building. And I had a, all of a sudden, I got this inspired vision that I was gonna have a practice there. And so I left that meditation, went over to my office and told Dr. Rodriguez, Paul Rodriguez and Dr. Rorick that I'm, I'm selling the practice and they have first option. Otherwise I'll be speaking at Parker and I'll open the doorway there if somebody can buy it. And they just was, they were not they're shocked. They couldn't believe that I was because we had just expanded it. And I said, but I, I, when I get an in, when I get an inspired vision, I know to follow it and I was very clear and lucid on the vision. So then that was a Tuesday on Thursday. I actually drove down to where the building was and parked, went in the thing and said, uh, who do I talk to to talk about leasing here? And they directed me up to the 49th floor and I met with a lady named Jeanie Flansburg and Jeanie, uh, came out and she said, yes, how can I help you? And I said, I'd like to know about leasing space here. And uh, she said, okay. And she says, what kind of, uh, business do you have? And I said, well, I have, uh, I'm a doctor and I'm have a practice. And she says, well, I'm sorry. We don't have doctors in the building. All we have is energy, oil and money. Um, and I said, we don't have doctors in the building. She says, no, we don't have thing about energy oil and money companies. And I said, well, ma'am, I've got tons of energy on slick as oil. And I got lots of money. So I think I fit perfectly in here. And she said, and I said to her, I said, do you mind if I just, just take a, a look at what's available here? And she said, well, cuz if I have to start one of those companies just to get in here, I'll do it. But I saw a vision of being in this building, so I need to follow it. She said, okay. So she took me up to the 52nd floor there and um, oh geez. I walked in and I, I, I was blown away because the vision that I saw was from that view, it was the most amazing thing. And I, oh my gosh, I walked in and I saw this view and I got tears in my eyes. I couldn't stop it. I just got tears in my eyes, chills up my spine. And I said, this is my space, whatever it takes. And she looked at me and she said, you know, Dr. D Martin, I'm actually starting to believe you, let me see what I can do. So we, uh, went downstairs and she got on the phone with Gerald Hines and he said, well, get his, uh, three years of tax returns, get his PNLs, you know, get the history of the company, da, da dun, we'll take a look at it. Well, I went and put this massive thing together for them that would impress them. I came back on the Tuesday with all that information and, um, delivered it to her. And she said to me, when I came back on Tuesday, it was a really cold day. I had a big coat on and she said, she said, you know, Dr. D martini, uh, I looked you up and started researching you, you have a TV show. And I said, well, I have a TV spot, not a show, but a, a little segment on channel 20. She says, I know. And I talked to some people about you cuz you lift kind of an impression on me. And she says, they said that you're kind of crazy. And I said, I am kind of crazy. And she said, she said, you know what? Right now, because the oil is down. We could use someone like you in the building, I'm on your side. And I said, fantastic, fantastic. So then on Thursday I get a call from Jeanie and she says, Dr. D Martin, I just wanna let you know that we've authorized your, your availability to come in the building. You're the only doctor there, since that time, 36 years later, I'm the only doctor that's ever been in that building. And I, and I got the spot that I wanted and uh, up on the 52nd floor and uh, still have an office there today, although I'm really there. I still have an office there today. And uh, my staff, uh, they might Houston staff still work there. I have other, other bus, other places where I have business. But, but this is, uh, this was an inspired idea. Then when I, when I got there, I thought, okay, I'm wondering how people are gonna know about me, help here in this 52nd floor art Aston from the Parker conference, uh, said, you know, John, how are people gonna find you up in the middle of a building somewhere? I said, no, it's not about that. I'll I'll draw,'em in. I know how to do, uh, you know, education. So I decided to get on an elevator to go down. And I'm, I'm the kind of guy that more people you meet and greet the more you treat. And, um, so I got down that elevator. I saw nobody talked on the elevator, so I decided to get on the elevator and hold the door and make it was filled and started doing seminars in the, in the elevator little 28, second seminars. Of course you did. And, and um, and I believe it or not in one month, in 30 days, I got 40 new patients from elevator seminars. And, um, I was in business and, and, and for many years there were people that were afraid to get in the elevator with me cuz they knew I was gonna have a fun time, but ended up into an elevator. I ended up, uh, that's pretty funny. I gotta share a funny story if I have, if I can. I, I, I floor is that I did these elevator seminars. Right. And it really was amazing. I, I had 28 seconds. I timed how long the elevator took to get to the 52nd floor, 51st floor. And then I, um, I did this little spiel, this spiel, right? Well, one day on a Sunday, I, I was there and a gentleman from Mon, no from Quebec city was visiting. He was a chiropractor. He, he came to visit. He says, I wanna see your building. I wanna see this elevator. And I said, okay. And there's a day when the building's closed, except for the observation deck, people come up and see the observation deck on the 55th, 51st player. And all of a sudden we're in it. And it's a vacant building, basically hardly anybody there. And he says, can you do this, uh, this seminar and that they only see how you do this seminar. I said, okay, well it just so happened as a Afro-American man and woman happened to get in that elevator that day. So it's just Afro-American man and the woman and me and this guy from Quebec and he says, are you gonna do it? And I said, okay, there's just two people there. I might as well do it with him. So I got, and I do this whole spiel. It's 28 seconds. And he's sitting there going, you know, I gotta see if, if this really does something, when we got off the elevator and the door opens, the African gentleman said, says, oh babe. And the woman said, now, see, I've been telling you about your back your back. You've been about your old back for dang months. Now, now God has sent you an angel in this elevator. And he is trying to tell you, you are not going to pass up. God's message. And, and this lady, this lady thought I was some sort of angel doing this to try to get him to help his family. And he became a patient. He became a patient on the spot. And the guy from Montreal, the guy in Montreal going, I've never believed this. I couldn't if I had to seen this. Yeah, yeah. And then wait, then, then I went, then I went to the Western hotel, which is a skywalk away. And David KA, who had cats management in those days said, John, we wanna see you do it in the elevator here. So I get on an elevator and I'm, and there's like about 15 people on is a big packed. And I do this little presentation and, and uh, but they were all French. Nobody could speak English. They had no idea what I said. So I I'm doing this presentation. Nobody understands a word and they're just listening to it. So I had some fun. All right, John, I had some fun with it. I, I

Speaker 5:

Gotta ask it's 23 seconds. Do you still remember that speech? Of course I do.

Speaker 3:

Hi. I'm Dr. John D martini. I'd love to hear it. Hi, I'm Dr. John D. Martin everybody's chiropractor. Everybody repeat with me bone out, irritate nerve, cause problem subluxation bone in relief, nerve restore, life adjustment, the power that made the body heals the body from above down, inside out. Hi, I'm I'm. I'm Dr. John D. Martin I'm everybody's chiropractor. I practice galactic chiropractic and only accept space cases. And I said that in 28 seconds and made them laugh, they laughed and they, they got a card as I came out and, and I, and I got new patients from it.

Speaker 5:

Oh my God. That's so fantastic. That was, that was brilliant. You entertaining. That was, that is I I'm gonna switch gears a little bit. So I was, you know, I, I'm a semi California surfer guy. I, you know, I live at, I work in Pepperdine. I, and I surf in Malibu and, um, and I've traveled a little bit and, and I was reading your thing init. And I actually bought Tom Carroll's board when I was in, uh, in Honolulu. Uh, and I bought from him from the pipeline surf shop from Lopez back in the day. And, but I've traveled a bit and I was watching your, your, I was looking at some of your stuff and you in 2006, opened up in South Africa. And how does a Houston guy who is a hallu guy end up in South Africa? Cuz I've actually climbed the Jack of Berg's mountain. I've surfed Durban. And uh, so how does a guy go to South Africa? I, I gotta hear that. Okay. Why South Africa,

Speaker 3:

By the way, I surfed HNA the other day in Maui. So I, I did go surfing the, oh sure. I got my board here. You

Speaker 5:

Know what, but we actually had, we had a little bit of, uh, a volcano, little tsunami swell I here and it was actually pretty good. So I'm okay.

Speaker 3:

I, uh, I, I know Tom in from Australia, so he's been to some of my seminars. I know Tom too. Well,

Speaker 5:

He just bought the board. I bought his board and he just bought it back. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Well him and lane Beachley are, are friends of mine. Students. Yeah. So how South Africa came about is I was asked by a medical doctor, uh, who is in Calgary. Who's an integrative medicine specialist, functional medicine specialist who, um, loved, also chiropractic and was nutrition oriented. He, uh, asked me to speak at the university of Cape town, South Africa at a conference. And in the process of doing that, he, um, he, he, I did a program there and then one of the ladies who attended that asked if I would come down and do my breakthrough experience program, which is a signature program done 1,140 times. And so she hosted that and then that did well. And so she asked if she could, if she could continue to host that regularly. And I said, sure, Hmm. So she organized that four times a year to come to South Africa. And then she was helping in the PR and helping and, uh, doing more in the country. So dealing with education there and dealing with government things there. And so we ended up working a kind of a partnership there for the south African business. She got to be part of the team and, uh, we opened up a, an office there. And, um, the first time we went there was around thousand four, but we didn't actually have the office to 2016. She worked out of her place, her own place first. And now we have an office there, beautiful office. I don't know how many people are there. It fluctuates based on need, but probably about 10, 12 people. And she, um, she runs that and that's where a lot of our technology's done our internet work and, you know, graphics to stuff done. So the south Africa's been a, oh wow, lovely place. I I'm, uh, for a long time until COVID I was there four or five times a year doing presentations there. Ah, we did a lot of work there. Great country. Yeah. But I've surfed all through Durban there too. So I know Jeff bay and those places, oh,

Speaker 5:

There you go. I also have another thing. And I asked Spencer before you got on. Um, and he told me to hold and wait and ask you, it, it, when your programs and, and, and I do wanna highlight some of your programs for the listener, but in your programs, you talk about the seven areas of life. What I are, those seven areas,

Speaker 3:

Well, I've divided life up into these seven areas. I believe that people have a yearning to wanna make a contribution, uh, in their business to be of service to people and have sustainable fair exchange and remunerated for a service that is a skill that and talent that they have and grow their business and have, have achievement in business, making a difference in people's life. That way I believe that people also want to become financially independent or have more money at the end of their life than life at the end of their money. So they're not slaves to money, but they're masters of it. So financial independence would be an empowerment there. I think they want to have love and intimacy and reflective awareness and a family. And you know, it, I call these the seven imortals. You want to create, uh, businesses that last beyond your life. You wanna have a wealth that last beyond your life. You wanna have a family that lasts beyond your life. Then you wanna have a social influence and make some sort of difference and your ideas contribute to people and lead and influence. So that's an imortality through having an impact in the world. Um, I hope to be remembered when I leave. You know, if somebody, when I died and the next day they go DeMar, I never heard of the guy that would not be to my objective. I wanna have at least somebody remember that. And then, uh, physically the, the pursuit of wellbeing and attractiveness and, and vitality, I think to people have a yearning to want to keep, uh, feeling well and productive and, and, um, health conscious. I believe that they also wanna be inspired by some existential purpose and meaning. And, um, whether it be religious structures or not, it's not as pertinent as the idea of doing something that's deeply meaningful that inspires you, that you feel you wanna make a contribution to the world. That way your communion with the universe might say like a, a pan psychic, universal intelligence, communion kind of thing, as short would describe. And then you also want to create original ideas that contribute to the world. And, and maybe some of your ideas or thoughts, uh, passed on in, in, you know, like a mythology. You pass on generation after generation of ideas that could contribute to your children and, and beyond, and to people you care about. So spiritual men, mental, vocational, financial family, social and physical areas are the seven areas that I I've, I've set out to try to. I wanted to, uh, empower all those cuz any area of your life, you don't empower people to overpower you in. If you don't empower yourself, intellectually people will tell you what to think. If you don't empower yourself in business, they'll tell you what to do. You Don empower yourself financially. It'll tell you what you're worth. You don't empower yourself in relationships. You'll be doing honey, do things around the house that you could be delegating. If you don't empower yourself socially, you'll be told propaganda misinformation. If you don't empower yourself, physically be told what drugs are taken, what organs to remove. You don't empower self spirits to be taught some antiquated dogma. That's probably told American Aristotle geocentric instead of universal. So I'm interested, empowering all those areas and helping other people do that. And that's been my dream since about 18. So that's when the seven areas started to merge.

Speaker 4:

Interesting, phenomenal. Now I, I wanted to ask you, I'm gonna, now I'm gonna not only switch gears years, but we're gonna go rapid, rapid question and answer. This will be a fun thing and it unbeknownst to Dr. Terry, but I have, uh, a series of things that I want to ask you. One. What's your favorite color?

Speaker 3:

Go ahead, John. Well, I would've to say blue and why

Speaker 4:

Any particular reason?

Speaker 3:

I think I just love the blue skies cuz it's it's shows a Vista of infinity. And uh, I think that that's blue is just my color.

Speaker 4:

I, I knew you had a reason. Favorite number.

Speaker 3:

Um, I think number one is probably the, the number, the unity, the unity,

Speaker 4:

I thought you were gonna say seven, the unity

Speaker 3:

Of, um, all the hidden order in the apparent cast by the unification of all Cary opposites. I think one stands out

Speaker 4:

Very nice. Uh, favorite

Speaker 3:

Place to visit. Um, well, anywhere in the earth is home. You know, I live, you know, on the ship, the world I'm on the I'm on the world right now. We're about to sail it Tahiti today. So I'm, um, I, I really feel at home on the world because that way every country is a room in the, the house, which has been my goal. And, um, uh, you know, just earth. I mean, we haven't got any, uh, confirmed bookings on Mars yet, but if it is then I'll probably go there, but

Speaker 4:

We're still working on that. I'm sure you'll find a way.

Speaker 3:

I, I, uh, okay. But earth is still pretty good. Just the whole earth is fine

Speaker 4:

Now. Okay. So Superman had a fortres of solitude. What's yours.

Speaker 3:

Um, it doesn't matter where I am. I know how to be solitude anywhere. You know, it, the solitude of the mine is, is a perception of your reality for current reality. So I, I, I would rather be able to take no matter what is where I am or what's happening around me and know how to turn it into a poised state of solitude. So it doesn't matter where I am. I don't have to go to a place to it. I don't think of an external place to give me solitude a solitude as a state of mind on how I perceive my reality.

Speaker 4:

All right. What book are you currently reading at this moment? I know it could change in the next 30 seconds because you'll be done with it. You did teach a speed reading of my, my three roommates and I, by the way in Texas chiropractic college, when we were just neophytes, but what, is there a particular book you're reading right now? Well,

Speaker 3:

The one that's in sitting in front of me is the future of the is by MIS the physicist.

Speaker 4:

Okay. And this is actually a, a favorite question, Mike, since you did study theology and, uh, what do you feel is the most common denominator of most, if not all religions,

Speaker 3:

Um, authentic expression of reflective awareness, which is love.

Speaker 4:

Mm, that is perfect. Beautiful. Perfect. And the last question or last two questions. What is, what is Dr. D martini's for power?

Speaker 3:

Um, my superpower, I think is my dedication to researching writing, traveling and speaking. I do it seven days a week. So it's just the, it's the congruency of delegating everything other than what I love doing and doing what I love every day.

Speaker 4:

Okay. That's cool. Great. And actually I have two more questions. What is your, what is, what is your cryp tonight?

Speaker 3:

What is my cryp tonight? The transformation. Yeah, the transformation of people that I see, um, in front of me as I get to walk my path.

Speaker 4:

And then obviously we can almost wrap this up with, but I'm sure Dr. Terry has some questions is what is the next frontier you wish to

Speaker 3:

Explore? I just want to continue to, um, with every new technology that comes along, being able to incorporate that into my ability to research, write, travel, and teach. I, you know, I just had, uh, uh, Amazon just contacted me yesterday or day before yesterday, I guess it was. And they asked if I would be willing to take all the books that I published and they would like to take'em on and, and distribute'em more broadly. And I said, I've delegated that. Congratulations. We just signed a 10 book deal with the people that did, uh, think and grow rich. So we're making 10 new books right now. Um, oh, we're filming more movies. I mean, I'm just gonna continue doing what I do. Um, with more opportunities and influence. I have a gentleman who's a very wealthy man, owns an island in the Caribbean and, and he's, uh, working a deal on consulting for large corporations and I'm involved in that. So he wants me to be part of that. Oh, that's so I'm, I'm just gonna keep researching, writing, traveling, and teaching and trying to reach people in new vehicles.

Speaker 4:

And I, I do wanna clarify that I did not give John any of these questions. No, I,

Speaker 5:

I know you

Speaker 4:

Didn't, you did it. I had confidence that he was gonna come right out until it like it is authentic. Yeah. Go ahead, Terry. Yeah. Had any other questions?

Speaker 5:

Hey, John, with the, with one of your statements in your de Martin, uh, method is a new perspective and paradigm in thinking and, and uh, and feeling so you've got this new paradigm shift in the world pretty much pushed by media and all that unhealthy thoughts. How is your business in transformation and teaching people how to navigate outta some of this stuff?

Speaker 3:

How, how, I'm not quite sure on that question. Try that one again.

Speaker 5:

So, so the, the, the, the media, if you wanna call that, uh, has shifted people's brains or minds, and then this big paradigm shift with all the, the shutdowns and everything else. And you're always teach teaching about life and exploring all that. How has your paradigm shift changed in how you teach or are you teaching exactly the same way? Just trying to help these people change something that's been out there. What have you seen the changes in the last two years? Well,

Speaker 3:

When COVID hit, I was in Tokyo and I was filming a movie there and also doing the break to experience there. And I flew to Los Angeles and we got to Los Angeles. I had four programs I was gonna do on a Wednesday, Thursday, and then a Friday, Saturday. And it turned out that they went into lockdown on the flight. It was 50 people gatherings. They went to 25 by the landing. And by the time we got the next morning, it was no seminars available. So I contacted the south African office. I, I said, um, how fast can you get me online? And it took two hours. We had zoom up and we turned all our seminars and contacted. Everybody went online. And the next two years, or two biggest years I've ever had. So, so St. Corona has been very, very blessing to me. I had people Corona, so true. So I had a bunch of people, you know, ask me, you know, what do we do? And I said, I sent out a request for all my students to write down as many of the benefits of what this is doing and not to concentrate on only the challenges, but what's the upsides. And I got 17,000, uh, a upside sent to me, and then some of'em were redundant, but some of'em were really good. And then I started to share that with people. And I said, look, you have control over your perceptions decisions and actions in life. You don't have control of anything else. That's what you have perceptions decisions and act your sensory neurons, your inner neurons and your motor neurons. So don't sit on unrealistic expectations on changes around you, just set realistic expectations on what you can do with them. William James said, it's not what happens to you. It's how you perceive it. The greatest discoveries, this generations, that human beings can alter their lives by alternate perceptions and attitudes of mine. So I tell people, I say, take your motor actions and ask what is the highest priority action? You can do it with the current reality you're facing. Don't compare your current reality to the fantasy of how it used to be, or how it's you fantasize it to be in the future. But right now, in the fact objectively, how is what's happening, helping you prioritize and achieve what's meaningful and what is the highest priority action you can be doing at this moment? And no matter what's happening, how is it helping you get what's most important to you? And if you hold yourself accountable to do that, you'll see everything on the way, not in the way. And you'll build momentum incrementally. Instead of sitting there running a story and being a victim of history of the external world, you now, master of your destiny. So I, I tell people that, you know, you can either be overpowered or you can empower. You can either be a follower of a culture or lead a culture. I'd prefer to lead a culture. Wow. The paradigm that I'm trying to do is helping people do that. Sorry. Yeah. And I think you're doing a fantastic job by the way. Well, I work at it every day. Let me ask you, and by the way, if you do something, if you do something long enough, everybody else will dial eye out. You'll end up at the top. You just gotta let people die out.

Speaker 4:

Very true. That's so true.

Speaker 3:

Last man, standing

Speaker 4:

Syndrome D martini, how

Speaker 5:

Right. You're like a great,

Speaker 4:

How, how can we help you as we wrap up today? Is there anything that we could help facilitate your, your goals and objectives?

Speaker 3:

Well, you're doing it right now. You're helping me, uh, reach people and touch lives that I wouldn't be able to do. So thank you. I you're already doing it. You're welcome. This conversation is a bit of a memory lane conversation, uh, cuz you know, I, I remember Texas chiropractic to college as if it's today. I mean it's fresh on your mind. And um, also our, our journey is we have a lot of overlapping journeys from the surfing to being in school together. So, and then being able to share a few nuggets that might be of help to people. I mean, that's what I love doing. So you help me, you, you you're helping me fulfill my mission just by being together today.

Speaker 5:

Oh John, thank you. Thank you, John. And how can people that are inspired listening to you right now? We'll put some stuff on the, uh, podcast at the end, Lance will add to some of that stuff in. Um, but how can people find you? And if they're lost, if they're struggling in their, their per DS and their thought process and they need some help. I mean, you've inspired me in this, in this 40, 50 minutes, you've been fantastic. So how can they find you and, and, and get hooked up so we can help even more people? How, how do they

Speaker 3:

Find you? The, all they have to do is go to Dr. D, just D R DM, a R T I And there's just a plethora of, of information on there. There's radio, television, newspapers, podcasts, webinars, YouTubes articles. I've written for 1,530 magazines around the world. So there's articles Golo on there. They can get information from and um, yeah, just take advantage of the information they can do the, the, uh, value, determination process, determine what's really important to them. It's a complimentary, private little exercise they can do. That's real eye opening. A lot of companies and organizations do that. It's on my website, Dr. D Martinez value, determination process, and there's just, they can go and learn there. And there's also live webinars that we're doing and events we, and they can participate if they'd like to do that.

Speaker 5:

Oh, perfect. John. Hey, I know you're busy. I know you have another podcast or another call right after this. We thank you so much for your time. Your laughter, your energy, your storytelling, and, uh, hopefully one these days we can hook up live and, and, uh, share some more stories. If you're ever in Southern California surf from, with Laird or, or Darren you're and those guys give us, give me a call and I'd love to paddle out with you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, I was just in San Diego. We were just in San Diego the other day. We came in from Cabo to San Diego about two weeks ago. And, uh, we're there for a few days.

Speaker 5:

Well, that's a little far south from me, so, so I'm more up in the Malibu Ventura area. Yeah. Okay. So if you ever come up there, I'd love to hear from you. Well, paddle out with you, I'll buy you a beer and we'll have a good time.

Speaker 3:

Well, if we have a big swell, you'll get a, you'll get a, a, a take a right. And it'll take you down to San Diego, just on one wave. Just gotta get the big swell. Like, like if you go to, if you go to South Africa, if you go to South Africa where skeletons is, right. You've been, I dunno if you've been to skeletons that's, that's, that's a long wave. We just need a long wave down to San Diego. Yeah. But

Speaker 5:

I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not Larry Hamilton. I'm good where I can ride the wave through the years and, and get all the way south. I'm not that good. So, So, so I don't think I'll make it past, uh, Malibu. Well,

Speaker 3:

The key is to, to hire purposes and delegate some of the ride Delegate to the purposes, you know,

Speaker 5:

Since she got an answer for everything else, since,

Speaker 3:

Since COVID some of the purposes have been looking for job opportunities, you know, so two opportunities,

Speaker 2:

Especially in this economy, it's a hard, it's hard for everyone.

Speaker 3:

They've been jumping outta

Speaker 2:

The water's value.

Speaker 3:

I, I saw a Corpus the other day jumping outta the water. They didn't have a smile. It was kind of upset. It came up just about halfway and, and, and, and, and right, right after him was, was his wife. His wife was right on his tail.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

John, you're fantastic. Where's the cash book. The wife was saying, where's the cashbook.

Speaker 5:

Oh my God. You know, on that note, John, you have a fantastic day, enjoy your journey down to dehi, and God bless you for everything you do.

Speaker 3:

Very thank you for the lovely gathering and the fun time today. And thank you for the questions and look forward to our next gathering. Thank you so much.

Speaker 5:

Uh, love it, man. Take care, buddy. Have a good

Speaker 2:

Thank you for listening to today's episode of the crack and backs podcast. We hope you enjoyed and make sure you follow lower Instagram at the crack and backs podcast. Catch new episodes every Monday and Thursday. See you next time.