The Crackin' Backs Podcast
We are two sport chiropractors, seeking knowledge from some of the best resources in the world of health. From our perspective, health is more than just “crackin Backs” but a deep dive into philosophies on physical, mental and nutritional well-being. Join us as we talk to some of the greatest minds and discover some of the greatest gems that you can use to maintain a higher level of health.
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The Crackin' Backs Podcast
Unlock Healing: Is PEMF Therapy the Answer?
Welcome to a special episode of the Cracking Backs Podcast, where today's healthcare professionals are in for an insightful journey into the realm of PEMF therapy with our esteemed guest, Michael Davis.
Michael Davis, a pioneer in the field of PEMF therapy, shares his personal journey with this revolutionary technology, tracing its introduction to the United States and his deep affiliation with it. His narrative is not just a story; it's an odyssey of discovery, innovation, and healing.
Delving into the science behind PEMF, Michael breaks down complex concepts into understandable segments, making it accessible for our diverse audience. He elucidates the critical differences between high and low-frequency PEMF and the profound biological effects of this therapy. Imagine a technology capable of increasing the ATP in cells by up to 500%, significantly boosting their efficiency and enhancing the body's natural healing capacity. Michael's explanation also covers the intriguing distinctions between analog and digital PEMF machines, a topic of growing interest in the medical community.
The conversation takes a turn towards the recent surge in PEMF therapy's popularity. Michael provides insights into the key reasons behind this trend, offering a unique perspective on its growing appeal in the healthcare sector.
Furthermore, he discusses the conditions and health issues where PEMF therapy shows exceptional promise, providing practical, evidence-based insights. As we explore the evolving landscape of PEMF technology, Michael highlights the latest advancements and innovations in the field, emphasizing the significance of these developments for both practitioners and patients.
Additionally, the podcast touches on a rarely explored yet crucial aspect: the potential correlation between diagnostic MRI and therapeutic PEMF therapy. This segment promises to unveil new dimensions in patient diagnosis and treatment.
Prepare to be immersed in a session filled with groundbreaking information, practical insights, and visionary ideas. This episode of the Cracking Backs Podcast is not just a conversation; it's a masterclass in the potential of PEMF therapy, tailored specifically for the curious and progressive minds in healthcare. Join us for an enlightening experience that promises to reshape your understanding of modern therapeutic technologies.
We are two sports chiropractors, seeking knowledge from some of the best resources in the world of health. From our perspective, health is more than just “Crackin Backs” but a deep dive into physical, mental, and nutritional well-being philosophies.
Join us as we talk to some of the greatest minds and discover some of the most incredible gems you can use to maintain a higher level of health. Crackin Backs Podcast
Welcome to the cracking backs podcast where we delve into the intriguing world of health and wellness. We're joined today by Michael Davis, a trailblazer in the realm of pulsed electromagnetic frequency therapy, also known as P EMF or just PMF. For short. Michael's journey with this technology began as it made its way to the US from Greece. And his affiliation with it has been both personal and profound. Today, he'll demystify the science behind PMF. making it accessible for all our healthcare listeners, will explore the fascinating differences between high and low frequency PMF and dive into the remarkable biological effects of this therapy. Imagine increasing the ATP of cells by up to 500% fuelling efficiency, and healing. Michael will also shed light on the recent surge in PMF popularity, its sustainability for various health conditions and the exciting developments in this field, including the nuances between analog and digital machines. Plus, we'll touch on the intriguing correlation between diagnostic MRI, and therapeutic PMF therapy. Stay tuned as we unravel the insights in a way that only Michael Davis can get ready for an enlightening session here on the cracking backs podcast. All
Dr. Terry Weyman:right. All right. Michael Davis, you know, it's so nice to have you on our show. We're, I can't wait, we have so many questions because I'm gonna call you the father of PMF. And, you know, so many, there's so much information out there and people are talking about PE MF machines. And they're all over from low frequency, high frequency but you're the man that brought it from Greece to the United States. So I want to hear about this started off. Can you give us a little background about this personal journey, your experiences with PMF and how this technology got to the US.
Unknown:In the early 1920s, you could buy a very low power PMF device and a Sears and Roebuck catalog. technology's been around for over 100 years. Then in the late 1920s, they formed the United States Food and Drug Administration. And instantly machines that healed disappeared from the US marketplace to be replaced by chemicals that were maintaining but not healing. The issue was the manufacturers the machines didn't have the money to do all the clinical trials necessary to get FDA approval for the chemical manufacturers had lots of money. So we became the chemical medicine nation and the rest of the world. This is a very mainstream, well accepted therapy. My first experience of PMF is about 50 years ago, when my mother from a small ad in a nutrition magazine bought I sold it PulseR from this company in Canada who's still in business and I still have their little PulseR by Beck wrote that magnetic pulsing was one of the things to heal you. The first high power pulsed magnetic therapy machine was Papini made in Athens, Greece. And my friend Chuck was the distributor of pap AMI for about in the US for about eight years. But it was 285 pounds the size of a two drawer file cabinet and needed to be crated up to be shipped back to Los Angeles the repairs that needed repairs and cost$59,000. So for the last couple of years of Chuck's distributorship, he's begging me to please design and manufacture a more reliable, more reasonable size more reasonable price pulsed magnetic therapy machine, and he would be my distributor. But my academic background is physics, not electronics. So I actually had to read college electronic books to figure out how I wanted to go about this because I didn't want to copy the Greek machine, which wasn't totally reliable. When parts were still arriving to make my first prototype, Chuck died of a heart attack. So I think so much for this business, right? But I would like a machine like that, but not a $59,000 285 pound machine and parts were arriving and I was intellectually curious if my ideas worked. And my phone started ringing with all Chuck salespeople and distributors still wanting to sell this kind of machine. So I assembled my first machine and I killed itself in about the first 30 seconds After about half a year of experimenting, how to a reliable product, and started manufacturing the product, and already had distribution because all the trucks people still wanting to sell that kind of machine, my first two distributors, took copies, took mice unpaid samples of my machines, and had somebody copy them and went into business competing against me. Now there might be six or seven US manufacturers making machines, which are basically copies of my earlier machines. Nobody's copied my contemporary machines, because they're too complicated to copy. One of my there's two there's two distinct different categories of pulsed magnetic therapy. Actually, there's three, there's low power, pulsed magnetic therapy, like Beamer and IMRs and curatron and CQRS. And there's high power like my product and my six copiers in the US, and Happiny, and three German companies and one Russian company, and one and one Korean Korean company making high power machines. Last year at the world's largest medical equipment trade show and Dusseldorf, Germany medica, there were 47 manufacturers showing pulsed magnetic therapy machines. 44 of them were of such low power, you can't feel them, and only three of them were of a similar power level to the high power run like mine, and pappy knee. But these manufacturers have been in business for 30 plus years. And they wouldn't still be in business. If their machines didn't get results. The low power machines do work, but they behave and treat differently than high power machines. The low carb machines are actually probably better at cellular regeneration. For the high power machines are definitely better at short term pain alleviation, inflammation reduction and range of motion improvement. So far I did, which nobody else has done and I don't know why is once you already have the case, the power supply the AC cores, the switches and controls, it doesn't cost much more to put a separate additional electronic circuit inside the machine. So I bought a Beemer I bought on IMRs, I bought a Kubota. And I bought a QRS, I looked at the waveforms on an oscilloscope, the shape of the waveform, the intensity, how many Gauss they'd produce, and the pulse rate, the frequency, and we designed a circuit to emulate, they're all pretty much the same, the low power machines, and incorporated it, all of our digital machines actually have two machines running concurrently inside them. There's a low power machine like the 44, manufacturers exhibiting at medica. And there's a higher power machine like the other three manufacturers exhibiting at medica. So our product is completely different than every other product of the world. The third area and category of pulsed magnetic therapy is diathermy. Low level and non thermal diathermy. Any oscillating wave form that passes through zero is pulsed magnetic therapy. So this is radiofrequency. So we've already incorporated in one of our products, a diet a low power diathermy machine. So there's actually three therapies running concurrently. And we're starting to do this and other models also. So we're more progressive than any of the other manufacturers, and that we're combining the therapies that all work differently together in one product.
Dr. Spencer Baron:So, like, what are my questions it was originally is was it always called pulsed electromagnetic frequency or P EMF or because I hear you use it interchangeably as PMF. Different
Unknown:people make up their own acronyms and call it different things. But it's really all the same. But for instance, there's one company, neuro noetix and new ECE that's strictly treating the brain they're focusing on treating anxiety and depression. And they call it something else, but it's still an oscillating waveform that passes through zero so it's still P EMF is pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.
Dr. Spencer Baron:And the difference between the because I remember experiencing those old analog ones that were quite a vivid experience when you came to, you know, we had him at one of our sports symposiums and I felt it on the knee and right in the spot, but now the digital ones seem to be more of a global sensation. Well,
Unknown:the Happiny is an analog machine. It uses a spark chamber as the switch to discharge the capacitor energy stored in the capacitor through the coil. And our first machines were also analog machines that use Spark chambers. The reason being 50 years ago, they didn't have semiconductors that could move that much current. Now they do. So the analog machines, a spark chamber machines, they need service every 400,000 hours, they need a new spark chamber because the spark chamber was out just like spark plugs in a car were out. So they demand service for the solid state machines, the digital machines don't vary, they function medically exactly the same. It's just that one is old school and one is current technology.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Makes sense? Now, you know that just the term pulsed electromagnetic theory and then the sound reminds me of a an MRI, is there any relationship just like ultrasound, diagnostic
Unknown:relationship, MRI is P EMF. MRI is an oscillatory waveform that passes through zero at very, very high gas rates. And people that have MRIs that have pain, have a reduction in pain, sometimes for months after getting an MRI treatment. So MRI is PEMF and MRI is therapeutic as well as, as well as an examination device. That is fantastic.
Dr. Spencer Baron:I've been using the metaphor of diagnostic ultrasound and therapeutic ultrasound. And it's similar to you know, an MRI as being a diagnostic electromagnetic frequency and a and this pmf machine as a therapeutic device using similar technology. Correct?
Unknown:So does that sound is totally correct. Now
Dr. Spencer Baron:it's fantastic. You had mentioned something earlier about using it for brain concussion and, you know, other,
Unknown:we're developing the cushion treatment device right now. And we're we're doing a clinical trial to demonstrate that this actually reduces it reduces the healing time from a concussion.
Dr. Spencer Baron:That would be sensational. How actually so, you know, thinking about the machines that have the different pads and the the rains and the you know, the different setups, how would you use one of those on
Unknown:local trade to bring the magnetic energy dissipates rapidly with distance. So you know, when you're training the brain, you're only treating the brain you're not treating your near your elbow or any other part of your body, with the exception of your blood, which is flowing, so you're treating all your blood. But other than all the tissues, you're only trading locally.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Actually, the other day a patient came in that I've been working with with TMJ. And on one side, and, you know, I took one of these flat pads and I put it up against her jaw and I already worked inside of her mouth. Mind you this is maybe the 10th treatment over the past several months. She got up from the table and was shocking all of us about saying, look, I can open my eyes.
Dr. Terry Weyman:I don't feel anything. So
Dr. Spencer Baron:that was one of the more dramatic people
Unknown:ask what is the main thing that pulsed magnetic therapy field therapy does? The answer is there is no one main thing there's a bunch of small little things that have effects in the body that cumulatively symbiotically make that make the results is basically a cellular health product. People see it as a pain therapy device. It's not the primary ongoing cause of pain is inflammation. So if you can reduce the inflammation, the pain just goes away. So most pain therapy devices, all other pain therapy devices only interrupt or block the pain signal. They're not curative in any way. This is curative, we're not treating the pain, we're treating the problem underneath the pain retreating the inflammation. The only way the brain has to communicate with the body is either chemical or electrical. That's the only ways they can reach out. So as it turns out, an impulsive magnetic and oh and magnetism and electricity are inseparable, the different forms of the same category of energy. So as it turns out, a pulse of magnetic impulse broadcasts through the body is perceived by the cells as if it were a signal from the brain to open cell membrane permeability. The openings between the inside and outside the cells are called ion channels, and the cells are in control of the permeability of the cell membrane. So what happens is when you're treating someone the pulsed magnetic therapy, the cell As they're opening the ion channels and the cells are breathing better, and inflammation dissipates, and the pain just goes away, but also, and here's some of the other small things that PMF does, for the cells are breathing better oxygen and nutrients and easier, raise product, carbon dioxide and toxins out easier. All the body's normal fluids migrate more readily in and out of the cell. And all these activities, cellular activities happen more readily. So basically, post magnetic therapy does not heal you, you heal you post magnetic therapy only allows the cells to breathe better. So all the body's normal processes can happen better. And you can get more oxygen or nutrients to the cells and waste products doing carbon dioxide and toxins away from the cells. The machine itself is not healing you, you're healing you. Machine is only assisting as a catalyst to all the body's normal chemical reactions. You and I think of catalysis you as you put two things together, and you stir it up no catalyst means improves or speeds up the reaction of. So if fluids are migrating more freely, the body's normal activities happen more readily.
Dr. Spencer Baron:That that is very congruent with the philosophies of what chiropractic does, we just help the body heal. Instead of just writing to heal the body? It's a
Unknown:PMF machine does not heal you, you heal your brain.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Why do you think there's been such a surge in interest over the past couple of years and PMF? And it's been out for what? Because it works.
Unknown:Also, like I get when I go to trade shows medical trade shows in the last two years, there's a ton of red light therapy devices, why all of a sudden a red light therapy device is showing up? Because they work? Yeah. Oh,
Dr. Terry Weyman:hey, Mike, can you get back in and explain the difference between the low frequency and high frequency of P EMF and what it does in the cellular level?
Unknown:Okay, so the majority of manufacturers manufacture machines where you cannot feel them, right. But they get results. I mean, they're still in business after 20 and 30 years, they wouldn't still be in business. If the low power machines didn't get results. One of my engineers has the biological background and he reads them he reads and he reads. And his reading is that the low energy more attune to the natural magnetic fields that are in the earth and like, like the Beamer and the IMRs and curatron power levels actually influence cellular health more, but the higher power machines, okay, now we get to another aspect of how pulsed magnetic therapy works. You have in the high power machines, you can actually feel it, the Machelle, the cells actually spasm, it flexes the cell membrane. So when you're flexing the cell membrane, you're actually exercising the cell membrane and when it's more flexible, and that's why the range of motion improves dramatically with high power pulsed magnetic therapy, and doesn't improve at all with low power pulsed magnetic therapy. Because now another aspect of pulsed magnetic field therapy is it's actually exercise of the cells at the cellular level. And it's actually making them more flexible, which, again, like I said, improves the range of motion. So the high power and the low power impact the body and behave differently, which is why we put two different machines running concurrently in our machines.
Dr. Terry Weyman:So you know, I always so bone stimulators are basically EMF issues, aren't they? Because I remember years ago, an orthopedist would give you a bone similar they were a charged machine that they had 45 charges to it used it for 45 minutes every day. You bet you never felt it. So it that'd be
Unknown:they are totally PMF machines, even though they're only powered by a little calculator battery or watch battery. They are they're very, very, very low power PMF machines. And that's all the energy it takes to influence bone healing. A high power machine wouldn't do that any better than a low power machine. So there's no set there's four companies that have successfully got US FDA approval for bone growth stimulators and bone healing stimulators. And they've shown remarkable results in improvement in bone healing. And that's that's all the power level it takes to get that job done my machines would be a waste of money to use on for that situation.
Dr. Terry Weyman:So where do you see some of the futures of this this technology? Do you see it in a broader picture for Integrative Medicine?
Unknown:There have been over 2800 Real double blind university level of clinical trials done in post magnetic therapy on a huge range of issues the seemingly have no real addition to each other whatsoever. The common denominator is cellular health. That PMF has been shown to treat degenerative diseases that are not responding to anything else. PMF is treating depression and anxiety to the satisfaction of the US FDA. Without without chemicals, a not what they call non union bone fractures. Typically bones reattached with between two and nine days. If two weeks or two months from now the bones hasn't reattached, something's wrong. And these bone growth stimulators are getting at PMF simulators are getting like an 85% success rate and healing what they call non union fractures, fractures that have not reattached in months, and PMF helps them reattach. So the common denominator is cellular health have all these different clinical trials that are done. So
Dr. Terry Weyman:for those out there, they're like, oh, that's just another gimmick or naysayers and all that, despite what you're saying, what kind of research is out there that's proving this effectiveness?
Unknown:Like I said, over 2800, real university level double blind clinic, I mean, real clinical trials. Yeah, I wanted, I wanted to go over a myriad of different countries over the last 20 and 25 years, this is not a new category of therapy. It's not an alternative or complementary category of drugs, except in the United States. And
Dr. Terry Weyman:I wanted to over I wanted to hit that a second time. So thank you for repeating it, because people have to know that the problem that that a lot of people have because our brains are the way they are. If we don't feel it, it's not working. And so how do you get past that, that mentality where I'm not feeling this, but it's still working?
Unknown:Well, if someone has a non union bone fracture, and it hasn't healed for months, and all of a sudden they had they have this little tiny device that they put on the outside of the cast or the strap around their leg, and it heals them. It's obvious to them,
Dr. Terry Weyman:right? What about the sprains and strains where they have like, a bad ankle or a hot disc or something like that, and, and you put it on them, but they're like, I don't feel it. But you know, as a coalition, it's working at the cellular level. What is your advice to that practitioner to verbiage wise to actually talk to the patient? Read
Unknown:it Oh, and and if they feel better than if they sleep better that night or feel better the next day or the next week? Then they get it? I mean, they understand also, but this, this is not a new therapy. It's not a complementary therapy, except in this one backward country.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Yeah, yeah. That's for sure. So as far as so the newest device, you're you're you wrap your brain around the concept of putting the low energy and the high intent, or the low intensity and the high intensity together, which I think is really fantastic. Are you looking at any other things that you could share? We're
Unknown:adding non thermal diathermy to our products, we're already in one product, and we're going to add it to other products. So there'll be three different therapies running concurrently.
Dr. Spencer Baron:doesn't die Thermae? Well, it heats up, right? No,
Unknown:no, no, yes. diathermy heats up. Non thermal diathermy is very, very, very low power diathermy that doesn't heat up doesn't cause any heat, but still has been medically shown to heal.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Well, diet therapy has been around for forever is
Unknown:non thermal diathermy is a different animal than the normal and normal diathermy heat is the therapeutic agent. And the heat, lowers the viscosity of the blood and makes the circulation of live blood be better. nonliteral diathermy is very, very low power, and it's been shown to help heal, in particular, surgical recovery.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Wow. So with that, you imagine that technology, like a three in one unit that could provide those different levels?
Unknown:We already have one model that has all three therapies.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Great, that's great. Okay. That's unbelievable. Okay, so Well, we already know about them, you know, the the correlation that I shared about the MRI and the in the in the PMF machine but diagnostically you know, I was always told that and I remember the days when it MRI used to be called magnetic excuse me nuclear magnetic resonance But they, they think they commercially changed the name because nobody wanted nuclear radiation, they thought that that was going to be an issue. So they call it now MRI. But I mean, that's, I'm dating myself, but that's how long ago? And then, but MRI, what does it do to the cells as a as a to provide an image for diagnostic versus how a PMF machine
Unknown:the cells perceive the MRI energy, as if it were a signal from the brain to open cell membrane permeability. And they do so.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Oh, okay. Interesting. All right. Let's see. So, all right, is there any any other technologies out there that? Well, PMF, I mean, that, that use the magnetic or the PMF approach that are out there, I mean, you got like laser and photo bio modulation. And all,
Unknown:there are two German manufacturers now with machines on the market, their PMF machines, that pulse powerfully, at 25 times a second. And they can actually hold the muscle contraction. And they're actually marketing their products as an aesthetic product, to build muscle tone, and lose weight. And be physically look and feel differently.
Dr. Terry Weyman:Oh, my God, this, this can remind me of something. So years ago, there was a multilevel marketing company that sold magnets, and they and used to put the magnets on you. And they would talk about, you know, running, whether it's the iron of the blood and influencing that or whatever. What's the difference between a so does your were they trying to do something like? No, it's a totally different
Unknown:therapy. Magnets are a legitimate therapy. But the difference is, what makes P EMF is the rate of change of energy, not the existence of the magnetic energy is how fast is what they call the slew rate is how fast the magnetic energy changes is what makes P EMF what it is. Magnets are a different therapy altogether. And there's enough science behind them. That is a real therapy. But it's nothing to do with P EMF.
Dr. Terry Weyman:Interesting. The other question I have is, especially kids nowadays, we hear about EMF, you know, electromagnetic fields and stuff like that, and people will sit back and go, Oh, yeah, we have these EMF, contributors or people put things on your phone to block EMF and all that stuff. What's the difference between why we pulse it and it can you talk about something on
Unknown:your phone that blocked EMF, your phone wouldn't be able to communicate with a cell tower? Well, absolute absolute rip
Dr. Terry Weyman:off. Love that. So what is that? Why do we have to pulsate?
Unknown:EMF is an issue. And if you ask, Is my device dirty? from their viewpoint? Yes, my device is dirty. However, the pulse is only for about two millionths of a second. And then there's 250,000 Millions of a second of empty blank space before the next pulse of two millionths of a second. So is it dirty? Yes, but it's only on like point 000 1% of the time and the rest of the time is just sitting there doing nothing. So we're normal EMFs can like coming from power lines or something that's like 24/7 Every second it's going so well, from their viewpoint, my device is dirty, hardly ever just in fantastical percentage of the time that is on the rest of time. It's just sitting there while the power supply is charging up again. Alright,
Dr. Terry Weyman:so what is a so key EMF is therapeutic EMF is non therapeutic. Can you dive a little bit into what EMF does to ourselves versus how P EMF helps their cells.
Unknown:There are people that won't have Wi Fi in their house because they think it's dirty. I I personally don't subscribe to any of those. I don't have an opinion. I don't have information that says that it's harmful, and I and there's no way that EMF is helpful, but I personally don't think as as harmful as some people think it is. However, there's two different categories of radiation. There's what's called ionizing radiation, and non ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is microwave frequencies and above. Non ionizing radiation radiation is a Um, FM radio am Radio Television, those are those are a very much lower frequency and they're not deemed to be harmful by anyone. Ionizing radiation is when the first car phones were out. They were UHF and VHF. They were like normal radio frequencies. And they were a box in the trunk of your car, and the antenna on the other side of your roof with the ground plane, the roof in between, and you had a normal telephone handset to talk on. Those are the first ones. Then they came out with UHF. Then they had VHF, and then they came out with cellular. The by that time all the lower frequencies were used up. And the only frequencies that were available. Were microwave and above. The cell phones that you and I use today are microwave. The cell phones that you use today, are ionizing radiation. Just like X rays, not as bad as an x ray, but that direction.
Dr. Terry Weyman:Boy, and so I. So when you feel an analog pulse hit and you feel the digital pulse hit the high frequencies, why did they feel different?
Unknown:They really they really don't it really bases on the power level the machines, most of the analog machines are higher power. So you're just feeling a more powerful impulse where you don't really need were brought up, the bigger is better, stronger, better, faster is better is not necessarily true. Is there a threshold issue, once you have enough energy that the cells perceive it as a signal from the brain to open ion channels, anything more is just sort of like a waist. It's not hurting anything, but it's not giving any more medical benefit.
Dr. Terry Weyman:So on that, on that note, sometimes you'll hear on the Allied machine, the machine will have a steady tick and Ellison it will change. We'll start going tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, it almost seems like a changes, okay. And it sounds the
Unknown:reason for that the power supply builds up to a voltage where the spark conjunct the spark gap inside the inside the switch the spark chamber. And it's not regular, there's no computer there's no there's no timer. Whenever it gets to the point where the IQ and jumped a spark app it does. The timing is not regular in an analog machine or a spark chamber machine, where a digital machine actually has a computer inside telling it now's the time to trigger. So it's digital machine is metronome regular, where a analogs marching drum machine is erratic in his timing, it doesn't make any difference functionally in the treatment, because the stalls are still getting the signal that it's time to open some membrane permeability. It's
Dr. Terry Weyman:just a it's fine, because you put the drummer on an airline machine, it drives me crazy because it doesn't keep a beat.
Unknown:We make the digital machines because in theory they should I have I have machines I've made 15 years ago that they'll they'll they'll break a cable or something and send it in for repair and they're still running fine. The analog machines need service spark chamber wears out, it erodes away. So the digital machines are more reliable. Also, since there's no timer in an analog machine, I can't put the second low power machine inside, where with a digital machine where you're controlling the pulse, a high power pulse, the computer basically as a traffic cop and and synchronizes the low power pulses in and among the high power poses, you can do that in a digital machine where you have a computer running everything, you can't do that in an analog machine. So none of our we still make spark chamber machines. But none of our analog machines have a low power portion of the machine also.
Dr. Spencer Baron:So let's let me ask you about the digital. Like the therapeutic approach or the therapeutic effects. People feel it with when when the power is even low. And is it more effective when the power is up as high because you know you got patients they go Alright, give it to me, you know, it feels natural that you
Unknown:are our $8,000 machines get the same medical results as our $25,000 machines. The difference is our $25,000 machines have fans and heat sinks in them so you can use them continuously. So if you're in a if you're in a high volume medical practice, where there's one person after another using the machine all day long, the higher power machines can do that. Or the more expensive machines can do that because they actually have fans and heat sinks for the machines. sign for lower volume use don't. But the medical results are the same. Okay,
Dr. Spencer Baron:now I'm actually referring to the one, one machine, and a patient that that wants to crank up the intensity. Because he feels that you know that the more people, the better powerful
Unknown:is better longer is better. In this case, it's not true. Dr. Pappas, the manufacturer of pappy, me 20 years ago, he and I had discussion after discussion after how long a treatment is necessary. And we both came up to the same answer. For the first 10 years I was in business, my machines all had a three minute timer on them. Anything more is just a waste of time, it just doesn't hurt anything. It's not a dosage as you can't overdo it. But it's not going to get any more medical results, because the cells have already gotten the signal that it's time to open cell membrane permeability. So this is a bit different, though, with pain and range of motion. Because the higher power machines, if you treat for a longer time, you're flexing the cell membrane more times, and you're improving the range of motion, like if someone has tennis elbow, a longer treatment will get better results if you're measuring the results and how far they can move their tennis elbow.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Would you say longer? Yeah, minutes or
Unknown:anything, although it definitely anything more than 10 minutes is a waste of time. Some some some of the machine manufacturers have 30 minute timers adjustable timers in the machine, there's no medical or functional benefit to that.
Dr. Spencer Baron:So a patient that can't you know, that just wants something that's very, you know, at a low intensity, and they feel the little tick, tick, tick, tick tick versus that. You know, still works still, you're
Unknown:gonna hammer them or not, but they're gonna get the same results either way.
Dr. Spencer Baron:That's it. Okay, so
Unknown:think that more is better, longer is better, more powerful is better. So that's
Dr. Spencer Baron:it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So I still am curious about when I experienced the digital machine at one of our professional football, chiropractic Society programs. I mean, this thing would look like a trunk, you know, like, I'm sorry, I'm at the analog. Yeah. The analog and they put the ring, that big ring around my, my, my knee. And I, it was interesting, because I felt it right. Like it found the precise spot that it hurt. Whereas the newest and coolest machines, you know what the? Okay,
Unknown:so here's the common answer to that. Okay, that's probably scar tissue. This, the cells are supposed to be fluid relative to each other. But we're there scar tissue they're improperly bound. So when you treat an area that has scar tissue, you can clearly feel that scar, because those cells aren't flexing separate from each other. They're flexing attach. Interesting post magnetic therapy is the only thing that's been shown to reduce scar tissue. Because you can surgically try to reduce scar tissue, you're creating this scar tissue at the same time. Yeah. So probably what was happening is the machine had located scar tissue, that was the epicenter of your issue. And it over a period of time, it will pulsed magnetic therapy will reduce the scar tissue some interesting.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Wow, that I love this information because you've taken something that's so complex, and you've distilled it down to really answer a lot of great information for even our late listeners, actually, especially our late listeners to Michael, we're going to enter a phase of our program that's a little more fun and less scientific. It's called our rapid fire questions. And it requires, some of them are off off the cuff type of things. But if you can answer in a more precise manner, then go for it. We ended up we ended up talking about it a little bit.
Dr. Terry Weyman:We have having too much fun with these.
Dr. Spencer Baron:All right, I got five of them. Are you ready? All right, fun fact. Did you really develop the first windmill farm and what do you think of where they are now?
Unknown:Yes. I was one of the first four manufacturers to ever put commercial windmills in the United States. It was installed the same year in 1983. And we put in a couple of years he installed 870 commercial windmills in the Palm Springs area. And they were typically on 80 foot towers and about 100 Kill once. And now we have a third, second and a third generation of windmills in the same area on 150 and 200 foot towers, and 10 times more powerful than the ones that I put in, you
Dr. Spencer Baron:must be quite proud of yourself. That's impressive. I read that. And I thought, you know, for you and your life has been all about energy and energy that we can use an energy to help heal the body. It's pretty fascinating. Question number two, if you had a crystal ball, what do you see in the near future of Cellular Medicine?
Unknown:Um, I think that we, my company has become going to become the standard of care for concussion, we're really strongly pursuing the development of our concussion treatment device. Oh,
Dr. Spencer Baron:you realize how many concussion patients between World War and I? Ve alone? I mean, I can't imagine all over. And beyond that is huge. Is there a this is not one of Michael Rapid Fire question. But is there a way to measure the improvement in in brain tissue? Is it really?
Unknown:There is? And a lot of it is blood analysis?
Dr. Spencer Baron:Ah, wait a minute. Yeah. There used to be a Yeah, remember, A, there was a lab work that can be done to determine concussion? Is that what you're referring to is? Don't remember what they were looking for. Yeah, because it lost some popularity. But that, okay, that makes it objective. Okay.
Dr. Terry Weyman:I'm gonna go off to a tangent is when which is shocking. But, you know, you've also, I've also heard that PMF can help with conditions like bipolar and schizophrenia, is that true?
Unknown:Um, different manufacturers are focusing on different areas of treatment. We're focusing more on muscular skeletal kind of stuff. But like I said, neurostar is focusing strictly on depression and anxiety and they treat the left frontal lobe of the brain. And they have demonstrated to the satisfaction of the US FDA that they get results, and they have insurance paying for it.
Dr. Terry Weyman:Wow. Okay. Sorry, continued, Spence, I just had to go off. Oh, no, I love it. I
Dr. Spencer Baron:love it. I love it. Question number three greatest miracle cure you have witnessed with PMF? There's probably quite a few.
Unknown:There's just too many. I would say one of the most dramatic lenses, sciatica people. It's amazing how many people have sciatic nerve issues. And it's amazing how rapidly and thoroughly pulsed magnetic therapy makes a difference.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Have you ever had to use it on yourself? Oh,
Unknown:yeah, no, no thing. In 3035 years ago, I had sciatica issues, and the PAP ad machine cheered it.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Wow. About prostate.
Unknown:There's, there's two or three manufacturers that medica we're specifically focusing on prostate therapy. I don't see much of a difference. I think it's complementary. But I don't think I don't think as dramatic.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Interesting. Thank you. Thank you for your candor on that. Okay, question number four greatest business tip you could give someone to start the year
Unknown:with because obviously I started what?
Dr. Spencer Baron:The year 2024 I'm
Unknown:buy half a dozen of my machines and open a pain pain therapy clinic.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Thank you for that.
Dr. Terry Weyman:Thank you for your candor.
Unknown:We have people right now that are opening strictly pain clinics in and urban areas and high high rise areas where people can just write an elevator and get a treatment and go back to work during their morning break. And I think that that's a coming category of business. Just pain pain therapy clinics using post magnetic February. Huh,
Dr. Spencer Baron:got me thinking that was that was good. Interesting. And my final question number five, what has been one of the most influential books that you have read?
Unknown:On that's a hard one because I'm not a reader of books. I would I would have to say in this field of therapy that Dr Pollock's book he'd most influential.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Very good, very good. All right, well, that's it for my like, q&a, my rapid fire questions. Is there anything that you would like to share with the audience? You know, anything educational or motivational? Before we close up our program for today?
Unknown:Yeah. People see this as a machine to treat problems. Do you wait until you have a cavity to brush your teeth? Do you experience any difference whatsoever, every time you brush your teeth, this product promotes cellular health, you do not have to be damaged or in pain to benefit from it, the benefits just aren't going to show up the same way they do. Like if you're in pain, for instance, the Prime Day has been shown in the last 20 or so years that one of the primary causes of aging is inflammation. So if we can control inflammation, we're going to age better, and we're going to last longer, it doesn't show up today, just like brushing your teeth doesn't show up as any difference. So people that are totally healthy, should be using pulsed magnetic therapy, the same way that people who don't have cavities brush their teeth.
Dr. Spencer Baron:So for full body, just
Unknown:for healthy finish, just for general background health and longevity,
Dr. Spencer Baron:is that where you would use the big pad that you lay lay down on is that
Unknown:that's a whole nother topic, the machine produces a finite amount of energy. If you distributed over a body length pad, you got almost no energy at anyone's particular spot. I believe that this is a local treatment. And I believe that you should use the machine for three minutes on different locally with coils and loops and pads, small pads on different parts of the body for a short amount of time, you'll get dramatically better results than laying on a body length mat for half an hour. In the same half an hour. You could do 10 Three Minute treatments on different joints in aid and spinal in areas of your body. I don't I don't I'm not a fan of the full body pads. Oh,
Dr. Spencer Baron:fantastic. Okay, because I was wondering about therapeutic approaches to it. So, you know, it's
Unknown:a local treatment,
Dr. Spencer Baron:what's that?
Unknown:It's a very local treatment. I would like I said, I would treat three minutes each on 10 parts of the body locally, rather than 30 minutes on a pad there, you're not hardly getting any energy anywhere at any one given time. Okay,
Dr. Spencer Baron:so us aging population. If I wanted to. Do you need some sort of cellular help with my with brain? Would I take a pad and put it around and around the head? Yeah,
Unknown:I would, you know, we make a double loop for joints. Yeah, double loop, just sit on top of your head like a halo.
Dr. Spencer Baron:So doing
Unknown:the small loop, sit on it for your prostate, put put it behind your low back for your low back, you know, drape, drape it over over your knees for you, I would I would go for joints and extremities and men I would sit on it for prostate, it will help reduce inflammation in the prostate area. But I'm not sure it'll cure any prostate issues other than reducing inflammation which reduce the size.
Dr. Terry Weyman:So I got one so if you forever be right now it's we're in January, people worried about everybody's getting sick, people are getting respiratory viruses, people are getting flu and all that. Where Give me Give me your best spots. If for people that either don't want to get sick or have bronchitis or have a respiratory illness, give me your best spots that you would put this machine that you can either prevent them or get them over faster,
Unknown:none is not going to help. If if they have a respiratory issue, they should be nebulizing Colloidal Silver.
Dr. Terry Weyman:Love that. All right, what about just to ramp up their system to make them healthier?
Unknown:Ah, probably the torso, I mean would be would be more important. But again, I don't see pulsed magnetic therapy. It'll make you healthier because it's going to increase your blood oxygen level. It's gonna get more nutrition to your cells. It's gonna it's going to reduce your inflammation. It's going to make you healthier, but it's not in ways that necessarily show up other than 10 or 20 years from now when you're still healthy and you're friends aren't. Okay, for instance, people that have a tennis elbow that used to be an avid tennis player, buying an eight $1,000 Post magnetic therapy device is nothing to them because they could play tennis again, or a runner that's got a bad knee, that's nothing. You can buy a brand new 50,000 mile guarantee car for 18 to$20,000. Just a dozen models on the market in that price range, the average new car in America cost $43,000. They didn't need to spend that much money, they just spent 20 grand discretionarily. So people who are used to be in sports or hikers or tennis players to spend seven or 10 grand for a post magnetic therapy device to be healthy again is nothing.
Dr. Terry Weyman:Love it? And I think more individuals
Unknown:should be embracing this, in addition to medical practitioners.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Yeah, I agree. Fantastic. You have been a plethora of information. Like everything was right on and answered all the questions that I was so curious about. Thank you so much, Michael, for your time and for your genius. I mean, this stuff has been this is I can't wait to use it on some of my concussion patients now you've really got me enthused about that. Thank you. Thank you very much.
Dr. Terry Weyman:Thank you. Yeah, thank you so much for your time and educate everybody with the PMF machines because like you said, they all work and just get cleaned up that sell your health with all the sillier toxicity out there and gets people living longer and healthier lives. So thank you for your time and your expertise. Thanks.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Thank you for listening to today's episode of The cracking backs podcast. We hope you enjoyed it. Make sure you follow us on Instagram at cracking backs podcast. catch new episodes every Monday. See you next time.