The Crackin' Backs Podcast
We are two sport chiropractors, seeking knowledge from some of the best resources in the world of health. From our perspective, health is more than just “crackin Backs” but a deep dive into philosophies on physical, mental and nutritional well-being. Join us as we talk to some of the greatest minds and discover some of the greatest gems that you can use to maintain a higher level of health.
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The Crackin' Backs Podcast
Kickstart Your Year: Expert Nutrition, Mental Wellness, and Fitness Tips for a Healthier You!
Start your journey to a healthier, happier you with 3 transformative tips from the world’s leading experts in nutrition, mental wellness, and physical health. These actionable insights are designed to spark change, inspire growth, and help you make small, impactful shifts in your daily routine.
By incorporating these tips, you’ll set the stage for lasting improvements in your energy, focus, and overall well-being. Whether you're looking to fine-tune your diet, boost your mental clarity, or enhance your fitness, this podcast episode has the tools to help you thrive.
Don’t wait—take the first step toward a better you today!
Thanks to Dr. Dana Sinclair, Dr. Jonny Bowden, and Dr. Gary Gray for sending in clips.
We are two sports chiropractors, seeking knowledge from some of the best resources in the world of health. From our perspective, health is more than just “Crackin Backs” but a deep dive into physical, mental, and nutritional well-being philosophies.
Join us as we talk to some of the greatest minds and discover some of the most incredible gems you can use to maintain a higher level of health. Crackin Backs Podcast
I love resolutions, and I love hearing what others are doing and choosing to do for themselves. A new year's resolution is an opportunity to give oneself a sense of accomplishment, kind of a gift to future. Me. For us, a new year means that we have been grateful to learn so much from our past guests on this crack and backs podcast as well as we're pretty excited for another successful year of in depth interviews with extraordinary people that help us understand the best ways to live, nutritionally, physically and mentally, no matter what tough events life throws at us.
Dr. Dana Sinclair:Hi everybody. My name is Dr Dana Sinclair, and I'm a performance psychologist. We all want results. We all want to be good at what we do, but it's not always easy to get the most out of ourselves. In order to do that, you have to be able to show up when it matters most, which is why learning to perform under pressure is so important to your productivity as an individual, but to the productivity of those around you as well. I work with a lot of professional athletes, NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL. I work with surgeons, actors, parents, executives, essentially anybody who thinks they can be a little bit better, or who wants to be a little bit better? As I like to say, no matter who you are or what you do, there are certain strategies that work for us all in our pressure moments. And I'd like to talk to you about an album My favorite is learning how to calm down and stay there. You don't have to be super Zen. You just have to get calm ish, just enough so that you can think that way. You can turn your attention back on to what the task at hand is when you're feeling pressure. Now, how do you do that? Well, take five seconds. Take 10 seconds. I like to call it Breathe it out. Use your nose if you're going to breathe out of your mouth. Purse your lips like you're breathing through a straw. But the whole key is, breathe, slow. Exhale fully. Tighten your core to breathe. It all out, if you have to. And just let that inhalation take care of itself. Slow exhale, get your shoulders out of your ears. Do that for five seconds. 10 seconds, you can actually make a difference to how you're thinking. You can actually soothe yourself in five minutes so you can turn your attention to the critical factors. Second idea is all about confidence. We hear constantly. I have to be confident or I won't be able to perform. I have to believe. I have to trust. We hear this all the time, and I say, No, don't. Confidence is overrated. Confidence is something that's unreliable, because guess what? It can change on us from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute, confidence is all about how you feel, whereas performing well is all about what you do. So don't worry about your confidence anymore. Just settle and breathe. Think about the task at hand. I know it takes courage to try to be good or a little bit better, but these are bite sized things that you can implement today and make you better immediately. Thank you.
Dr. Jonny Bowden:Hey everybody. It's Dr Johnny Bowden. I am the nutritionist at the chiropractic Sports Institute. Very proud to be that if we haven't met yet, I hope we will soon. And Dr Terry asked me to put my best nutrition tip for the new year on this short video. And that's an easy question to answer. I'm going to give you the best nutrition advice I've ever gotten in my 34 year career, and the best nutrition advice I've ever given in my 34 year career. And it's very simple. It comes down to three words, eat real food period that trumps every diet, every macro distribution, every supplement program, everything real food, as little processing as possible. Think of yourself as if you were naked on the African Serengeti with nothing but a sharp stick to get food with. What could you hunt, fish, gather or pluck? Because whatever that is, chances are it's going to be good for you. So eat real food and have a wonderful holiday and a great New Year.
Dr. Gary Gray:Coming to you from gray Institute, welcome, welcome, welcome, all you cracking backs podcast, family. Henry is my Elf, and I'm coming to you with some hits for the season to get as stealthy as me. Now, many people scratch our heads and. And first of all, wonder where their hat went. But that's another story. Scratch your heads and say, how do you, Santa, stand such amazing health, and how do you then, all of a sudden come together on a magical night and and deliver all those gifts, and go up and down all those chimneys and are able to do that throughout the world. I'm going to give you the hints. The hints I want to give you really simple. It's being able to do something every day, making sure what you do really doesn't take a lot of time. Covering what we call up at the North Pole, all three planes of motion, forward and back, side to side and my favorite rotation, and then also making sure that you strengthen every muscle in your body and mobilize every joint. And I'm going to teach you how to do that with just six movements. Santa, biggest present for her youth this year, the biggest gift that I can give you is the gift of mobility, movement and health, and guaranteed, if you do this every day, you'll notice a big difference in a very short period of time. And guess what, near the end of the year, you'll be stealthy like me, and ready to rock and roll and do whatever you need to do in order to Val magically bless children. So here it is just kind of do it with me. What we're gonna do, we're gonna, first of all do what we call the forward chain. You're gonna take a step forward with each foot. What you wanna do is, cause you get used to this, do it a little further, and then you're gonna take your hands and when you go forward, take them up and back. Oh, that stretches everything out, up and back. Do about four or five of those. Oh yeah, okay. Get things loose now. Here we go. Now we're gonna do what they call the posterior chain at a backward one. Watch this one. I'm gonna take a lunge back, or that step back. They call it like this. But now my hands are gonna go down and back. Watch this. Oh yeah. Oh, does that feel good on my butt, my hamstrings in my back. Oh, my neck as well. So do a few of those each time, try to lunge back a little further. Now we're going to get that side to side, very important. So what we're going to do is do what we call up at the North Pole and side lunge, or lateral lunge. My right foot's going to go right COVID, my left foot's going to go left. COVID, boom. So what we're going to do is add the hands and make sure we really get the side joints all mobilized, the muscles all mobilized, and the nerves, most most important, turned on. Here we go. Put the hands up high. Step one way, reach the other way. Step one way, reach the other way each time. Go a little further with the hands, a little further with the lunge. Great job. Now we're doing what we call opposite side lunge. Here we go. Instead of right, going right, I'm gonna go left and criss cross here, criss cross applesauce. Here we go. And then we're gonna do, put our hands in the air. My left foot's gonna go right, hands are going to go left, opposite, opposite. All really stretch it out. You'll feel it. Boy. This is going to really help with your balance, too. And my favorite, what we call the transverse plane. Here you go, open up, rotation to the right, rotation to the left. Here we go, take the hands as well and get them going. So now I got my neck muscles, my back muscles, my shoulder muscles, my hip muscles, my leg muscles, my feet muscles other than their muscles. I'm God. So hands are going the same direction. We call this same side rotation. And now follow me along with the last one. Here we go, right foot's now going to rotate left. Left foot going to rotate right. Oh, this is just makes my butt feel good, and nothing better than having Santa's butt feel good and get ready to go. So now, how do you tweak that? Obviously, do a few more. What I do sometimes, kind of mid season, I hold some weights. US. Santa can handle 10s, but I would suggest you start with fives and go from there, we also kind of go where we set a lunging we toe touch to get a little balance. Toe touch, toe touch, here. Toe touch, toe touch, watch this. Toe touch, toe touch. Then what we do? We have a party. Turn the music on, and we do those six movements to music. Believe it or not, Santa likes gospel and country western, but you can choose your own music. So it's our hope that you have just a wonderful, blessed Christmas, Happy Holidays and coming to you from gray Institute. It's our hope and prayer that you just have a New Year's filled with help, happiness and hope, ho ho ho have a great year.
Dr. Spencer Baron:Thank you for listening to today's episode of The cracking backs pop. Podcast, we hope you enjoyed it. Make sure you follow us on Instagram at cracking backs podcast, catch new episodes every Monday. See you next time you.