The Crackin' Backs Podcast

Episode #030 - ProSport Conference - Dr. Mark Pick

December 22, 2021 Dr. Terry Weyman and Dr. Spencer Baron Season 1 Episode 30

Dr. Pick hales from the Midwest, a gentle, yet powerful soul with close to 40 years in the field of
Sports Chiropractic. Hailing from Dodge City, Dr. Pick has been involved in the car of all types
of Athletes but fell in love with the world of Professional Rodeo and was heavily involved in the
Dodge City Round up Rodeo.
There is something special about talking with people from the Midwest. The sense of a calming
confidence, filled with a deep sense of knowledge that is not worn on their sleeve.
The more you listen to this Master speak the more appreciation you will have for what he has to
say. Listen, learn and enjoy the time we get to spend with one of the truly great men of the mid

We are two sports chiropractors, seeking knowledge from some of the best resources in the world of health. From our perspective, health is more than just “Crackin Backs” but a deep dive into physical, mental, and nutritional well-being philosophies.

Join us as we talk to some of the greatest minds and discover some of the most incredible gems you can use to maintain a higher level of health. Crackin Backs Podcast